wow 2017 October the 28th I found out I was pregnant ! It was extremely over whelming and scary that whole thrill of finding out and being excited was taken away with fear and anticipation of the un known. As we tried for so long to get to this point
In our case we never got to experience a surprise your pregnant !!
shit I’m pregnant 😱
omg how did that happen !
Opps that wasn’t planned
There was a plan , there was action , there was medications , dr appointments , specialists , acupuncture , Reiki , homeopathic remedies , naturopath , blood tests , scans , and hospital visits become such a norm for me , nurses at med lab new my name and why I was there and I had a specialist on speed dial
Every waking moment was consumed about finding ways that would increase my chances , I would read , search the internet , talk to as many people as I could to help point me in the right direction to get pregnant ! You could say it consumed me for quite some time ! I was invested in wanting to be pregnant , I wanted that baby so much I was determined to be heard seen and listened too..
Everyone has a story and a journey they embark on when it comes to fertility ! Not one shoe fits all! I was taught from a very early age , once you have sex you will get pregnant ! So avoid that shit !! the pill is a must and I was young and clueless and labeled an age on when I wanted my first child ! I put so much pressure on myself , my body and I hated myself for years when I couldn’t give John the child that he wanted!
One of the biggest lessons I have learnt is you have no control! The sad reality about this world is shit things happen ! And shit things happen to externally amazing people !!
I have friends who have lost babies and friends who can’t have babies , I have friends that have babies but can no longer add to their families !
Everyone out there is fighting there own battles and navigating their own journey have met so many amazing , strong and lovely people along my journey , those who I have met And come across while sharing mine , I am forever grateful for!!
As I sit here and i think back to the emotional roller coaster we went on to receiving the miracle that is now our beautiful girl Frankie I know how incredibly Lucky we got and what a privilege it is to be able to experience being a mum ! There is not a day goes by that I don’t stop and pinch myself !
I now have a 16 month old girl and she is the light of our life ! My world is complete , she is everything I ever dreamed off ! When I look forward to the future I don’t really see past the here and now because for me I have the world ! I have been blessed with an amazing little girl and she is my future , I can’t look ahead or plan for tomorrow , my energy and time is on her right now.
I have been asked will you have another baby , or when are you having another baby ! That is a question I do not have an answer too , that is out of my control and that frightens me !!
I don’t know what the future holds for our family and when we will be able to add to it , I know that I can put the best possible steps in place to help and assist my body ! I am on an amazing health journey that has been transforming and shaping me into the Person I am today !
What i do know is in order to conceive your body should be in ultimate health your going to be carrying another human for nine months it is physically demanding and the baby sucks all your nutrition from you , so as mum you should be fueling your body with whole food nutrition as Healthier Mums definitely have healthier babies, our bodies go through so much in the nine months , rapid tissue growth , hormonal changes and oxidative stress
We need to keep on top of our Nutrient intake and keep our self and our babies nutrient rich at the most important time of their lives. I love that I have found a product that is natural and provides the nutrition I need to be placing inside my body to help and assist with my next journey in planning for another baby !! They are simply bioavailable phytonutrients which are absorbed into the bloodstream as Mother Nature intended.
Our wonderful whole food based capsules are not only safe but are highly recommended for pregnant & breastfeeding Mums I am so glad I found them when I did ! I was breastfeeding , depleted and zombie like, they provided me with the energy’ and nutrition I needed back in my diet and assisted me in being the mum that I wanted to be ! I can’t wait to have them working away inside while i prepare for the future !
I only want to share my own experiences in the hope it will help others , I feel like it doesn’t just take a village to raise a child it takes a village to conceive a baby.
I want to be able to help and support anyone going through a tough time , I want you to know your not alone and you don’t ever have to walk the journey by yourself! What I do know is I am a great listener and my heart is always open for you 💕 I want to encourage others and provide hope, to never stop dreaming and to fight for what you want.