So here I am trying to find out why I feel like shit most of the time , why I feel bloated all the time, why I'm throwing up some of my food , why I'm also constipated and bleeding every time I go number twos!! I felt like one hell of a mess!! My periods were non-existent and i only occasionally was greeted by it throughout the year!
That's when my friends and family jumped in they have been my biggest supporters throughout everything I have been through! I am a very open and honest person who does find it easy to communicate about personal things and what is going on with my life which is why I thought it was about time to write down and express some of the struggles that I have been dealt with ! I can hopefully help someone that may need to hear and let them know that they are not alone!
Friends and family come into this journey a lot; I couldn't and wouldn't be functioning without you all! Along the way and throughout this journey I have meet wonderful people who are now my friends and who I feel so privileged to have found. These wonderful people will come in the following blog.
Right so I am 21, back to the Drs I go, I referred myself to several specialists this year. First it was to see a surgeon that gave me a colonoscopy where I had a camera placed inside me to see what was going on in my stomach. I thought yay I will finally get some answers and it will all be worked out. However all I got back from this was they believed I had inflammation of the stomach and a touch off Irritable bowel syndrome!
This is when I began to really look at what I was putting inside my body! I changed the way i was eating I ate a healthy diet in the hopes that I could have a healthy functioning body.
It did get a little bit better due to some of the healthy life style changes I had made. I was in my final year of study so the pressure was starting to ease I could just focus on myself and go back to a 9-5 job not an all-night studying stress freak, who John was probably starting to really get sick of. The food changes and other things had helped a little but no the bleeding continued and so did the bloating and the stomach cramps. It was a vicious cycle where I still believed I wasn't getting adequate support or advice from health professionals.
My next move was to see a gynecologist, this is where the answers I didn’t want to hear came..
"When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this you haven't." (Thomas Edison)