My journey - Being Pregant

I thought it might be nice to document some of my pregnancy as a reminder of what it was like to carry my little girl! In a few short months my pregnancy journey will most probably be the biggest blur and I won’t even remember if I had breakfast. I will be running around doing Mum life 👍
I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant. That day will stay vivid in my memory forever as there were many waves of emotions going on. I was so scared and, to be honest, that feeling never went away it only grew stronger as the weeks went by and the months ticked over, scared to fall in love and have you taken away from us again! However, you stuck around and you let me be your Mumma and I will be forever grateful, my journey to meeting you has only made my love for you more intense!
It took me so long to believe that I was pregnant, for weeks and weeks I waited for any sign to know you were setting up home inside me. I waited for the morning sickness, the tiredness, the sore boobs and nothing came! This was so very alarming for me as I actually wanted to experience this! Who actually wishes they were sick?! It sounds ridiculous but for me it would have provided reassurance and made me feel normal and to know you were safe and sound where you ought to be!
Weeks went by and months passed and I became one of the lucky ones who skipped the shitty part of pregnancy; I never spewed or felt ill, I actually felt really healthy and so incredibly happy to be carrying such a beautiful miracle. It was hard for me to believe I was pregnant apart from my ever growing appetite and expanding tummy that started popping out after I hit the 3 month mark! John and I decided to keep this pregnancy quite secret until I felt like I was ready to let the world know!
I have been under an Obstetrician/Gynaecologist throughout my entire pregnancy. I opted not to go down the midwife track and stay seeing the doctor that helped us meet our little girl by providing us a shoulder to lean on, and drugs to take and different avenues to go down! I never felt like I was a burden to him and he always cared. I have so much trust and faith in my doctor, he has really helped ease my mind and my fears that have come to mind during my pregnancy! Through all the bad times and the rough fertility start I can say it has not all been for nothing, I have meet incredible people. Hands down anyone dealing with fertility issues I take my hat off to you. Most go through this journey alone and in silence, but I have learnt that doesn’t have to be the case with 1 in 6 couples experiencing the same situation, we can all learn a lot from others and also lift and support one another through tough times!
I have loved being pregnant, it is a true blessing. It’s incredible what a human body can do, how it can grow another life it completely blows my mind that your child is a genetically made from you and parts of the one person in the world you love the most! No wonder you fall completely in love with this little embryo from day dot!
Nine months of waiting and anticipating what you may look like, who you might take after and getting to know you from the outside is finally coming to an end. In such a short time I will finally get to meet you and I cannot be more excited for your arrival!
My pregnancy has been pretty straight forward - through having an Obstetrician I have been closely monitored from day one and he has remained on speed dial and just a text away. I have had 10 scans all up, which is actually a lot considering I think with a midwife you may have two or three. I am definitely not complaining! These scans have made me grow closer and connected every time I see you!
From week 20 I started to get extremely tired, I would be napping all the time, I would say I felt exhausted! Getting through the work day was a struggle, my blood pressure was starting to drop and become quite low at times, I would feel dizzy and if I hadn’t eaten very well or much for the day my body would feel it! I started to feel faint, I went for a walk down the farm and I ended up fainting and waking up on the gravel path, to my dog licking my ear! I couldn’t even ring anyone to come help me as I had no reception so when I came around I was able to walk back home. I went into the hospital and we ran some tests, at this stage nothing was showing up to why this may have happened! So, I went home to look after myself, it then happened again at 26 weeks and I fainted. This time the testing showed that my iron levels where dropping which was causing me to feel so tired and faint! I was then given an iron infusion where the iron was injected into my blood stream through a drip. After this infusion I felt ten times better, less tired for sure I just needed to keep my intake of food up as when I felt hungry was also when I felt weak which would be my blood pressure dropping!
I felt so lucky to have a doctor looking after me in this situation as he set me up with what I needed straight away, there was no waiting around.
As the weeks went by my tummy grew and grew, I have a massive basketball shape tummy which is measuring big for my dates. This became a concern for my doctor and he followed up with a second gestational diabetes test to see if I had diabetes. These results came back fine which means I am just carrying a bigger baby! At 34 weeks the measurements showed little miss being the size of someone who should be 36 -37 weeks pregnant! Showing a big head and a big stomach! Taking after her daddy already!
It’s going to be very interesting what weight she is when she is born and what she may look like, will she have those chubby cheeks and thighs that I am imagining her to have?!
I sit here as I write this at 37 weeks pregnant, which could also be 38 weeks as due all my current measurements my due dates could be a little off.  You have now made your way into my pelvis and you are sitting right where you need to be! My doctor said you are in the best possible position for birth and all we are waiting on is for you to engage. You can do this whenever you are ready little one because I am well in truly ready for you! I am so excited to meet you, I keep sending out positives vibes for you to make your arrival into this world a positive one all we can do is hope for a easy transition from your home for nine months to the big wide world.  
You, baby girl, will change my life forever, you are what my dreams consist of and I can’t wait for you to be my reality!

"we loved you before we knew you, even when there was just hope for you- we LOVED YOU" 

                                         Embrace the journey that is new life! 

                                         Embrace the journey that is new life!