Well I thought I better jump on here and write a current blog update! As the 12 week mark nears I sit here and I wonder where the time has gone ! It’s true when people say the days are fast but the nights are slow, boy are they correct ! These last few months have flown by never have I had time vanish before my eyes !
I look at Frankie daily and I steer a little longer at her beautiful little face because every single day that goes by she becomes a day older , a day I will never ever get back !
Frankie arrived on the 27th of June 2018 I had a due date of the 10th of July but I always new she would make an appearance earlier one way or the other !
My obstetrician had me booked in for a scan on the 27th to see what we where going to do !!
I had a high Chance that I may need to have an elected c section due to measuring quite big ! Or to be induced and get her out earlier then the due date !
I didn’t quite get to have that scan to determine what we should be doing !
I went into labour on the Tuesday the day prior to the scan , naturally .. I woke up Tuesday and started my day as nothing was wrong I was quite busy and had a few things to do so I went into town to start the day , I went into my work to see the girls , I even joked with them that I might go in to labour later on .. not really knowing that this was soon going to be my reality. I Carried on and met my mum for lunch, during lunch I started to feel a bit funny , I told my mum I didn’t feel to good and that maybe something was happening .. I kind of blocked it out and thought nothing off it and continued on with the next thing to do .. I was off for a massage I had been going to pregnancy massages as my back caused me a lot of trouble carrying Frankie ! Half way through the massage I started to get this pain and it got more and more intense as the massage went on , after some time I asked if we could time the pain as I stated to realise they where probably contractions ! And yes they were they where lasting 1 minute and they where about five to seven minutes apart !! I still didn’t believe it I thought it was my mind and body playing tricks on me .. after the massage I went to the super market to get some groceries and that’s when I knew something was up I couldn’t get around the isle with out breathing funny and pausing for a squat ! Yet I said to my self just drive home you will be alright!
I decided to text my Dr and tell him what I was experiencing I didn’t hear back from him for a bit so I decided I’ll drive back home ! I got just out of New Plymouth when he messaged back and told me to go to the hospital . So I turned around and drove myself to the hospital ! After the examination he informed me that I was four cm's dilated and I was in fact in pre labour !! 😱
I lay on the bed after they left the room, I took a deep breath and I said holy shit Frankie I get to meet you soon ! I took a minute to gather myself and then I called John my husband who was still at work I told him he needed to come to the hospital because Frankie has decided to join the family!
We got comfortable in our room and I finally met my mid wife , she was amazing it was pretty funny meeting someone for the first time and having them become so intimate with you ! But I couldn’t of asked for a better team of professionals that looked after me that night ! They where all Truly amazing !
I had planned that I wanted to have a bath for a bit though my labour and also just hang out on the Swiss ball and bounce around listening to my calming music from The Hypnobirthing sound track ! John and I walked the corridors of the hospital I went and had dinner in the cafe , I made a friend come to the hospital to deliver a phone charger I was really calm and I was really ready and happy that I was about to meet my mini me !!
However the night started to turn to morning and nothing much was happening , everything was intensifying but I wasn’t progressing along like I should have been and just before I was ready to go in the bath something happened which is un explained I had a terrible pain shoot across my stomach which Alarmed the mid wife and she made the decision that I was unable to go in the bath and I then had to me hooked up and monitored ! Which was the best call of the day as the monitor showed Frankie’s heart rate and my stats and I started to become very dehydrated so they began trying to get a line in me , this did not go so well and every attempt failed .. on the 10th attempt after calling the anesthetist down to my room we finally had a line in ... this was needed for what came next ..
after some time my Dr came back to check on me my progress was very slow and he decided to break my waters for me .. this happened really quickly and from then everything went into over drive Frankie had pooed inside me and was distressed this was shown on the monitor as her heart rate was up and down.. my Dr made the quick decision and started preparing me for a c section .. so many doctors and nurses flooded the room, it is all pretty intense and over whelming you don’t really get a chance to even ask a question my contractions where in full swing now and it was getting hard to stay still on the bed when everyone was trying to do their part , I got wheeled down to theater and John had to stay out of the room while I got the epidural and prepped ready on the table it all happened so fast , John was then allowed in and was holding my hand , I remember lying there and thinking to myself how strange it was that I was laying here cut open and in any minute I was about to hear my baby cry , and see my baby for the first time ! I was a bit stunned and very over whelmed ! I felt the tugging and the pressure and I remembered just looking at John for reassurance that every thing was alright , and then I heard her , she let out a big cry and I was so relieved to hear that cry , the Dr brought Frankie around to see me and I gave her a Kiss ! I saw her and she was beautiful she looked like her daddy. It was hard laying there afterwards when they took her away from me , I had expectations that i was going to do skin on skin but sometimes things do not always go to plan , lucky enough Frankie was able to have skin on skin with John while they waited for me to come out into recovery ! I felt like it took a million hours laying there getting stitched back together ! I just wanted them to hurry up so that I could get out with my family !
Never in a million years did I think that was going to be my birth story yet no one know what’s install for them! Everyone has a story and I think all women are truly incredible for what we endure by carrying our babes and birthing them ! It’s hard work and we are all so brave and powerful for doing it !! when it comes to birthing you have to have an open mind, you can not go in with a pre determined mind set of how you are going to deliver your baby... i had shared how i wanted it to plan out, but i was prepared for anything to occur. in my case it did and i was un successful in having the natural delivery i wanted to experience, but i am so thankful Frankie is here safe and healthy. The best decisions where made that night for me and for Frankie and i wouldn't have it any other way now!!
I would do it ten times over to have another you !! But not quite yet !! Frankie you light up my life ! I new i would love you yet I didn’t know how it would feel .. it’s amazing to have a little person that needs you and depends on you ! A little person that loves you back every single day ! It’s amazing to watch her change week by week ! It’s incredible to think that Frankie is a little bit of me and a little bit of the man I love the most ! Babies are the best gift anyone could ever receive they truly are a blessing and I will never take her for granted !
I longed to have Frankie for such a long time and now she is here with us, I can’t wait to create memories with her and with my little family, soak up all her goodness and love her unconditionally! all the tears shed and all the journey to meeting you, was worth every cent, every doctor appointment, every set back every roller coaster emotion, with out the journey It would never of led me to you!
Frankie May Luxton you are my biggest achievement x